in practice.

Sustainability is not an empty shell at Fides Petfood. We make sustainability part of our daily operations, we strive to reduce our carbon footprint and take care of the environment, our team and our profitability.

Some of our


Good health
and well being

Our working environment is in recently renovated offices and control rooms with excellent light and air conditions with major attention to safety.

Organising team buildings, sport activities, family days, workshops on healthy living and working.

Dedicated recruitment procedure based on experience, knowledge and capabilities: mentorship for newly recruited employees, regular evaluation, career planning, training programs, code of conduct, group HR Manager.

Clean water and sanitation

Zero Liquid Discharge for our Ostend production.

Rainwater recovery and infiltration

Treatment of wastewater by licensed partners

Affordable and clean energy

Monitoring our energy consumption: as compressed air is energy intensive, we regularly perform ultrasonic air loss checks.

Installed 8.000m² solar panels providing 100% green energy to our Ostend plant.

Smart LED lightning with motion detection in our warehouses leading to 80% energy reduction.

Industry, innovation And infrastructure

Continuously investing in innovation and infrastructure

Continuous search for new and more efficient ingredients and natural additives

Expanding production capacity and warehouse infrastructure

Responsible consumption and production

Using high-quality co-products from the food industry

Monitoring and processing internal waste

Climate action

Biofilter resulting in a 62% odor reduction.

Maximising dust and noise control to the surrounding.

Zero Liquid Discharge for our Ostend production.

Life below water

Use of sustainable fish- and marine ingredients ; MSC fish meal , fish oil, Antarctic Krill
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